Scientific Study of Literature (SSOL)

IGEL is the publisher of the Diamond Open Access journal Scientific Study of Literature (SSOL), hosted by Ubiquity Press. Until June 2023 the journal was published by John Benjamins Publishing Company. This journal invites manuscripts that apply, or facilitate the application of, scientific methods to study the structure and function of literature, especially its aesthetic function. Literature is broadly defined as all cultural artifacts that embody literary devices, such as narrative genre, stylistic variations, and figurative language. The domain includes novels, short stories, and poetry, but also theater, film, television, and digital media. The journal is peer reviewed and indexed in: CNKI ; Glottolog ; IBR/IBZ ; LLBA; MLA ; and PsycINFO.

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Editorial Board

  • David Hanauer, Indiana University of Pennsylvania - General Editor
  • Arthur Jacobs, Freie Universität Berlin - Associate Editor
  • Melanie C. Green, University of Buffalo - Associate Editor
  • Gerhard Lauer, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz - Associate Editor
  • Paul Sopcák, MacEwan University - Associate Editor
  • Federico Pianzola, University of Groningen - Managing Editor
  • Justin Nicholas, University of Wisconsin - Copy Editor
  • Empirical Studies of the Arts - This journal is an interdisciplinary venue for theoretical and empirical studies of aesthetics, creativity, and the arts.

  • Journal of Literary Theory - This journal is an interdisciplinary forum for debates concerning theories and methods in all fields of literary theory.

  • Poetics - This is an interdisciplinary journal for theoretical and empirical research (psychology, sociology, economics, communication studies) on culture, media and the arts.

  • Poetics Today - This journal addresses systematic approaches to the study of literature (e.g., semiotics. narratology) and approaches to the interpretation of literary works.

  • Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts - This journal is devoted to psychological studies of the production and appreciation of the arts and all aspects of creative endeavor.

  • Scientific Study of Reading - This journal publishes empirical research on reading and literary as well as literacy education.

  • Discourse Processes - This journal is devoted to interdisciplinary research on text comprehension.

  • Media Psychology - This journal publishes manuscripts that present empirical research on media and communication studies.

  • Language and Literature - This journal covers the latest theoretical and empirical research in stylistics, defined as the study of style in literary and non-literary language.